isnt this like the wildest dream of mine? study him from afar, maintain the illusion of normalcy, i could barely contain my excitement. wish for the day coming like we couldnt keep our hands off each other, but ive gotta tell u, the fantasy ive been having in my dreams is nothing sensual/ 3exual at all, so pure so platonic, the fact it nearly broke me like, i was attracted to u basically driven of 3ex in the first place wasnt i? n all the f tim e afterwards, am i angry at myself for being not that wanting u or.. idk anymore, can i filming u come? can i make u come, isnt this a massive thing in ur boys world like, cum1n, am i crazy? i dont want to spend the rest my life without ur comforting
好神经病啊救命哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 这种扑面而来的高饱和画面低成本制作网剧感,竟然让我梦回看《在车上打补牌的小视频大全》笑得上气不接下气的日子。英剧真的很有点劲儿劲儿的幽默感,当下饭剧挺好玩的! —— 呃呃,看到后面,剧情发展有点太神经质了…搞笑程度下降而drama程度上升,该说不说妹妹被扁平化地塑造成这样个角色真的挺惨的,而且女主最后一集的表现有点讨人嫌和ooc了吧… 好失望,不打算看第二季了。